I just watched a movie, "Porcelain War" - Ukraine through the eyes of artists in Ukraine. It also pointed out how $3,000 drones are destroying $12 million tanks. Technology is changing warfare. Israel put bombs in walkie talkies and killed key people that way. The Israelis are successful at assassination. But it seems that war is now genocide, wanting to destroy the whole race like the Romans did to Carthage. Israel wants land, not peace.

I agree with Dennis, that people don't understand that nuclear weapons are suicidal, through radiation and nuclear winter causing mass starvation.

I also fear that with Ukraine, that if Zelensky gets missiles to hit Russia, that the war will escalate, and possibly go nuclear. Then the war will be over in 72 minutes.

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I was at a non-violent protest demonstration yesterday at a military base from which weapons are going to Gaza et. al., and the extraordinary killing going on there as that war escalates. It is obvious that killing counts in current wars, as there is so much going on. The good news was that there were no actions taken by the military... have some come to agree?

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What if we flipped our thinking?

The most important error "experts" make is thinking that people care about nuclear weapons.

Most people don't think about nuclear weapons.

And even people who care about nuclear weapons will do little about it.

Better to focus on building Peace ... that removes the need and want for violence and any weapons of mass destruction.

Imagine Peace.

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