Aug 27Liked by Ward Hayes Wilson

Dear Ward,

I fully agree with you. Nuclear Weapons are illogical (if you aren't going to use them, then why build them?), insane (suicidal - MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction), Illegal (in the 70 countries that have ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons - TPNW), Immoral (Pope and others), Indiscriminate (kill civilians and all life immediately, and civilization through Nuclear Winter and starvation over the next 10 years) and Inhumane (there will be no treatment for the survivors, no analgesics, etc. - just suffering)

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“Illogical, Insane, Illegal, Immoral, and Inhumane.” Well put.

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Found you in Notes. Passing along this moving message: “For everyone in the civilized world to watch/

Learn more about our playing life or death”: https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/for-everyone-in-the-civilized-world-d3b

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Aug 23Liked by Ward Hayes Wilson

By the way - you may be honoured to know that Google - gmail - or more correctly Norton, has deemed that this is a SUSPICIOUS WEBSITE. When I send an email containing this link, the recipient is warned - and advised the reader to be aware of "malicious activity". I see this as a badge of honour.

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Radical stuff going on here!

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Aug 23Liked by Ward Hayes Wilson

Thanks for this wonderful new approach to talking about nuclear weapons. It is so good - much as I admire Anni Jacobson's work - it does leave you with some sense of powerlessness. But I fear that so many people's income - whether by their employment, their local community, their investments - is linked to the production of nuclear weapons - they can't financially afford to dislike nuclear weapons.

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Aug 22Liked by Ward Hayes Wilson

Another thought, perhaps we can make fun of the promoters of nuclear weapons without making fun of the dangerousness of the weapons themselves.

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Aug 22Liked by Ward Hayes Wilson

The newest problem is that some American strategists are now talking seriously about actually using small tactical nukes to "intimidate" China or Russia. But this will more likely have the effect of triggering the climb up the nuclear escalation ladder. It will only take 100 of our modern nukes to set off nuclear winter and end all of humanity.

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Aug 22Liked by Ward Hayes Wilson

Great article, Ward!

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